Just delete the Pok émon Go app and redownload it from the UK App Store instead.

NOTE: If like many of us, you’ve jumped the gun and already downloaded the app via the longer US iTunes account method below, swapping over is pretty simple. Luckily for you, we’ve put together a range of tips and tricks to help you get up to speed – and we’ll even show you how to snag a Pikachu. After that, it’s just a matter of downloading and installing the app as you would any other. Although that marks the end of the installation process, it’s only the beginning of your long journey to becoming a Pokémon master.

To get Pokémon Go on your iPhone, simply search for it on the App Store, or hit this link to be transported straight to it. However, now that Pokémon Go is officially out in the UK it’s much easier to download – and you don’t even need to delve into your Settings. The main issue? You had to set up a US iTunes account complete with a new email address to download the Pokémon Go app, and then switch to your old account afterward. Before today, Pokémon Go was pretty annoying to download in the UK, and involved a lengthy process that was still probably worth the effort.